COMMON CORE STANDARDS -Operation and Algebraic Thinking
Desmos Online Graphing
Balance Scale -Algebra Mathigon
Explore Learning resourcesAlgebra Virtual manipulative tools from Glencoe
Find my house!
Mystery Maze
Watch out for the Mine Field!
Algebra Virtual Manipulatives (only if you can get java)
From the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Algebraic Connections IMPACT
Resources from our work
Problem Solving Tools
Powerpoint and e-learning
Algebra Habits of Mind Questions
Handshake problem
Algebraic connectionsPOWERPOINT from VA Algebra Conference
Blackline masters
Five Star Representations
Tooth Pick problem
locker ppt
Research on Difficulties with Symbols
Mp3 lesson
Algebra: Learning math5 Star Algebraic Connections (open-ended)
Logic problems
Numbers: Learning math
Teaching mathematics methods
Pattern, functions and algebra (VDOE resource
IMPACT Conference resources5 Star Algebraic Connections
Penny jar problem and more
Geometry: Learning math
Algebra Questions (Blanton, 2008)
Lesson study template
Middle school math
Algebra strategy cards
Hosting lesson study checklist
Insights into Algebra
Problem solving cards bookmarks
Research on Algebra math professional development
Pattern cards
Common Core algebra and operations
VA SOL 2009 Algebra strand k-8